With 2023 fast approaching, we’ve been reflecting on the changes that 2022 has brought to us and our clients. The year started with a challenging outlook for investment markets, exacerbated by various unexpected events throughout the year. It shows once again that short term forecasting isn’t reliable in ensuring our plans for our future are on track over the long term.
We have been delighted to see more clients reach their goals this year, on track as expected; maintaining their plan for their (and their family’s) futures against a rapidly changing backdrop.
Closer to home we have seen a lot of achievements across our team; with higher qualifications, personal goals met, and the most exciting transition for us being the move into employee-ownership.
We have included a link below to our winter newsletter, where you will find an update on Eldon’s developments together with a range of other articles. We have also included links to other news on our website or external sites in recent months that you can dip into. I hope you enjoy reading it.
Christmas Hours
Eldon’s office will close at 12.30 pm on Friday 23rd December, reopening on Tuesday 3rd January 2023.
If you have any urgent questions over this period, please email them to enquiries@eldonfinancial.co.uk and we will make sure that you get a response.
We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.